The Eternal Tower
The Eternal Tower

This dog is is owned by Caraine,
Ana, and Amara Sedai. His name is Bob. Say hello to him for us! (Even though we're Aes Sedai,
we still have a sense of humor!)
Note: Welcome to our new and improved page!
A small group of Aes Sedai left the town of Salidar to start their own Tower, one that fulfilled their goals. Once arriving to Karel, a small town outside of Bandar Eban in Arad Doman, they established what was to be known as the Eternal Tower.
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The Webmistress of this page is Ana Sedai. Email updates to her at [email protected]!
This is Garrett's hamster. His name is Jack. Say hi to him if you see him.
(Just so you know, Jack and Bob have free run of the Eternal Tower, so don't be
too surprised to see them around!)